Revolutionizing Communities, Igniting Minds - One Learner at a Time!

Give Books New Life

We know those old books in your attic or basement hold stories that can inspire and educate young minds. Rather than letting them gather dust or considering to throw them away, why not give them a new life and purpose? By donating your used books to Political Education For Freedom, you directly contribute to our mission of empowering and enlightening children through the wonder of literature. Your old books can become a priceless treasure for a child, sparking their curiosity and broadening their world. Donate today and help us turn the page for a brighter future!

Donate a Book, Ignite a Mind!

Donation Form

Book Donation Form

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🌟 Every Little Bit Counts! 🌟

$2.00 Tuesdays

This Giving Tuesday, we’re celebrating the power of small acts with our $2.00 Tuesdays!


$2 bucks can make a big wave of change, there’s no such thing as ‘too little’ for our liberation!

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